2022年8月25日—Bothoftheseexpressionsmean“immediately,“but“rightaway”means“withoutdelay”andtendstobeusedinsituationswherethereisfear ...
2022年8月25日 — Both of these expressions mean “immediately,“ but “right away” means “without delay” and tends to be used in situations where there is fear ...
right away right now差別right away意思right away同義right now中文right away造句right away歌詞right away歌詞中文Right away j tajorright away j tajor中文歌詞right away j tajor歌詞right now中文Right away right nowright away造句Right nowright now時態Right away immediatelyright away時態right away歌詞right away中文right away用法right now用法Right awayright away同義Right away j tajorRight away j tajor lyricsright now coogie歌詞right now韓文歌詞right now歌曲pull up歌詞all day long造句right away詞性right now中文歌詞right中文right the way中文